Sunday, January 25, 2009

Iran calls UN to take legal action against Israel

Iran calls on the UN to take legal action against Israel after its soldiers admitted to the illegal use of white phosphorous in Gaza.

Israel’s policies against the Palestinians are tantamount to a “crime against humanity”, the United Nations’ human rights rapporteur has said.
Iran calls on the UN to take legal action against Israel after its soldiers admitted to the illegal use of white phosphorous in Gaza.
The Iranian ambassador to the UN, Mohammad Khazaee, called on the United Nations on Sunday to address international concern over possible war crimes committed by Tel Aviv in its recent military operations in Gaza.
“Israel’s extreme measures against Gazans constitute a breach of humanitarian law,” Khazaee affirmed in a meeting with Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) ambassadors in New York.
Iranian leaders demads “they would urge the United Nations to bring Israeli leaders before an international court over the latest attacks in the Gaza Strip.”
After weeks of denying that it used white phosphorus in the densely-populated Gaza Strip, the Israeli military finally admitted Friday that it had pounded the Palestinian coast with at least twenty white phosphorus bombs.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for immediate legal action against Israeli leaders for the humanitarian crisis and death of innocent civilians in the Palestinian territory, the official Islamic Republic News Agency said.

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