Friday, December 5, 2008

Fringe Movement Try To Keep Obama from becoming President of the United States

Change They Can Litigate - Here we go again, however, it's been reported recently that Obama has more that enough proof that he was born in Hawaii...
How did the citizenship rumor get started? Ironically, it began when the Obama campaign tried to debunk some other conspiracies. After Obama locked up the nomination in early June, low-level talk radio and blog chatter peddled rumors that Obama's real middle name was Muhammad, that his father was not really Barack Obama, and that he was not really born in Hawaii. The campaign released a facsimile of Obama's certificate of live birth. Requested from the state in 2007, the certificate reported that Obama was, indeed, born in Honolulu at 7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961.

read more digg story

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