Sunday, November 2, 2008

Voting Watch: Twelve States To Follow on Election Day | AlterNet

If you're a political junkie like me, you want to know as much as you can while you attempt to follow the media's coverage of the 2008 elections.

By . Posted October 31, 2008.

If there's going to be voting problems on Election Day, chances are it will be in these 12 states and over


(Editor's note: This summary, while a little technical, goes over the nuts and bolts of voting that could prompt problems on Election Day or become the fodder for recount fights if the vote is close).

With five days to go before Election Day, preparations and campaigning have reached a fever pitch. Voter interest is soaring. Turnout could reach historic levels. On Election Day, will pay particular attention to a dozen states.

While some (Colorado, Florida, Missouri and Ohio) are clearly battlegrounds in the race for the White House, others (Georgia and the District of Columbia) might have less drama when the results are tallied than they do while polls are open.

All 12 states share some similarities -- regardless of their competitiveness in the national electoral map, they have issues in election administration that bear watching: whether it s new rules governing voter identification; trouble with voting systems , either because of computer glitches, poll worker mistakes or both; long lines at polls; new voter registration databases; or some combination of problems.

This list does not mean there will be trouble on Election Day, but the likelihood for problems looms based on past performance or current events.

Voting Watch: Twelve States To Follow on Election Day | | AlterNet

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