Friday, February 15, 2008

Facts Over Fear

An email action from the ACLU to sign a "Keep Standing Up To The Fear-Mongering" Petition to House leaders.

Dear Friend,

The administration played the fear card and, this time, their bluff was called. Finally, the House of Representatives -- led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer -- refused to yield.

Send a "Keep Standing Up To The Fear-Mongering" Petition to House leaders.

It happened on a critical showdown over FISA legislation. Refusing all reasonable courses of action, the Bush White House essentially said give us what we want, including immunity for telecom companies that cooperated with the administration’s illegal efforts, or we will accuse you of being soft on terrorism.

And House leaders refused to bend, letting the ill-named Protect America Act expire rather than cave in to the fear-mongering. They’ve taken a strong stand. And now, we need to urge them to hold firm.

Send a "Keep Standing Up To The Fear-Mongering" Petition to House leaders.

The Bush administration is going all out now -- doing everything it can to bully Congress into caving in the face of a massive fear-mongering onslaught. We’ve got to push back with an all-out “Facts Over Fear” campaign.

Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU
Caroline Fredrickson, Director
ACLU Washington Legislative Office

© ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004

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