Thursday, August 10, 2006

Terrorist Plot to Blow Up Aircraft... Reality or Propaganda?

British police say foil plot to bomb aircraft - Yahoo! News

Overnight arrests have foiled threats to blow up aircraft.

read more digg story

Really, just think about how convenient this is for the U.S. and Britain. Propaganda is the way the government keeps all it's people in line. Basically, governments lie and or embellish the truth to keep us quiet, uninformed, and afraid. Propaganda is a terrorist if both governments are making this up to put the fear of terrorism back into the masses...then our government terrorizes it's people.
We have become terrorists. Bullies, actually. Is it really Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Qaida that we should fear, or is it really our own governments? Look at Israel. Sending leaflets down before they bomb the shit out of a group of people (the Lebanese), that appeared to be developing a very effective democracy, is pretty terrifying. Especially when there's absolutely no way out and the whole world turns it's back on you....

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